Cover & Preface


    Lees Meer
      661 Hits

    Deepest longing

    Lees Meer
      620 Hits

    Consciousness and form are in one accord


    Lees Meer
      522 Hits

    If we look deeply

    Lees Meer
      512 Hits

    Why form and consciousness are not recognized


    Lees Meer
      530 Hits

    Relating and identifying


    Lees Meer
      507 Hits



    Lees Meer
      503 Hits

    Energy as recognition of form and consciousness


    Lees Meer
      465 Hits



    Lees Meer
      467 Hits

    The whole-sensory body


    Lees Meer
      491 Hits

    Consciousness is love


    Lees Meer
      473 Hits



    Lees Meer
      480 Hits

    The immediate and gradual path are one

    Lees Meer
      464 Hits

    Dancing with the world

    Lees Meer
      458 Hits

    Deepest longing – part 2


    Lees Meer
      466 Hits



    Lees Meer
      480 Hits
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